a champion for families, students, and teachers.
Carly has been a resident of Hampton Roads since 2006, residing in the Driver area of Suffolk since 2018. She and her husband have 3 children, all of whom are students in Suffolk Public Schools (SPS). Her eldest child began kindergarten in SPS in September 2018 and for the past 6 years, Carly has been an active volunteer in the district. Her time spent in school buildings has fostered positive relationships with teachers and administration. Her volunteer efforts include events in school itself, serving the School Board on Citizen Advisory Committees (Gifted Education committee 2020/21 and 2021/22, School Health Advisory Board 2022/23) and the Calendar Committee (2020) and judging both scholarship and educational grant applications for the Suffolk Education Foundation. She is also a frequent speaker during public comment at School Board meetings. Her involvement in the education of her children in Suffolk Public Schools is a continuation of her volunteerism at the Child Development Center (CDC) her children attended prior to being school age. At the CDC she spent 3 years on the PTO board and volunteered countless hours between 2013 and when the center was shuttered in March 2020 due to COVID.

Carly was born and raised in Southeast Michigan. There she attended the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor and, upon completing her Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering, relocated to Vermont to begin a career with the IBM Corporation. While working as an engineer and program manager, she also completed a Master’s degree in Management. In 2006, she relocated to Virginia with her husband for his job opportunity. She continued working for IBM until 2009 when she shifted her career and began working for a non-profit research and educational institute in Hampton, VA. There, she has supported aerospace research for NASA Langley and other federal and commercial customers. Over the past 15 years, Carly has advanced through multiple leadership roles and is currently the Senior Director of Research and Operations, as well as being the corporate secretary.
Carly’s professional experience and proven dedication to being an active participant in the education system make her well-prepared to serve as the voice of stakeholders for public education in the Sleepy Hole borough.